Georgia Breast Density Law – How Will You Comply?

The state of Georgia became the 38th state to enact a breast tissue density law. The bill, also known as “Margie’s Law,” states that all mammography providers must include updated information about density to patients with dense breast tissue.
ACR & SBI Rebuff New ACP Guidelines

The American College of Radiology (ACR) and Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) recently rebuffed the new breast cancer screening guidelines as outlined by the American College of Physicians (ACP). In one of their statements, the ACP now recommends that patients seek biennial screening starting at age 50, instead of annual screening starting at age 40. […]
FDA Announces Changes to MQSA Final Regulations

On March 28th, the FDA announced proposed changes to the regulations that were issued under the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) of 1992. These revisions are pending review, with the comment period ending on June 26th.
CARTI Cancer Center Chooses MagView

Carti Cancer Center in Little Rock, Arkansas has chosen MagView for their mammography tracking and reporting system.
EQUIP: FDA to Start Issuing Repeat Citations

The EQUIP initiative is in its third year, with 2017 being an educational year, and 2018 marking the first year citations were issued for violations. This year, the FDA will start issuing repeat Level 2 Citations for sites that fail to meet the criteria outlined by the program.
Federal Breast Density Law – How Will You Comply?

A federal bill was signed on February 15th, 2019 which states all mammography providers must include updated information about breast density in reports sent to both patients and their physicians.
New Mexico Breast Density Legislation!

New Mexico facilities will be required to communicate breast density to women following their mammogram.
LungView Luminary Launches Alongside a New Website

LungView has launched a new version of LungView Luminary along with their new redesigned website.
High-Risk Breast Cancer Screening Clinics Become The New Standard

Many breast imaging centers have opened high-risk screening clinics to augment their existing services. This has already become the new standard,
New Illinois Breast Density Legislation!

New Illinois Breast Density Legislation! Effective January 1, 2019, all facilities performing mammograms are required to notify patients of their breast density if they have heterogeneously dense or extremely dense breast tissue.