Text Messaging in Healthcare and Why it Makes Perfect Sense for Breast Centers

According to the Patient Pop 3rd annual patient perspective survey, digital interactions continue to grow in popularity among patients—and that includes text messaging. Also referred to as short message service (SMS), this method of communicating quickly and easily is used extensively by other consumer-facing industries, so it’s something patients are accustomed to and may even […]
5 Benefits of Integrating AI Breast Imaging Tools with MagView

Research has proven the value of AI-enhanced breast imaging across modalities and applications to enhance breast cancer screening, treatment, and the overall effectiveness of patient-centered care. Modalities in which artificial intelligence (AI) can be used for breast imaging include mammography, ultrasound, and MRI. As noted in “Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging of the Breast,” the […]
6 Common Workflow Challenges for Breast Imagers and How to Solve Them

Although Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) have evolved a great deal since their early days, they don’t always support the workflows needed to help reading radiologists make the most of their time and expertise. In a study published in the Journal of Digital Imaging in 2018, the authors uncovered a number of challenges related […]
Breast Center Reports: 7 Key Measures You Should Be Tracking

Breast centers face many challenges in the day-to-day of providing excellent patient care; adhering to regulatory and accreditation requirements; and turning a profit all at the same time. Within all of these dynamics lie two critical components to getting it done: Generating effective breast center reports. Doing so in the most efficient manner possible. Here, […]
Patient Portals: How They Can Benefit Breast Centers and Their Patients

Consumer adoption of digital health applications such as patient portals has been on the rise ever since the 2009 HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) Act opened the door to giving patients more access to their electronic health information. Although portal use was a bit sluggish in the early years, adoption has […]
Top 5 Reasons Academic Hospitals Choose MagView

Academic medical centers face an array of challenges in today’s demanding healthcare environment. Balancing the priorities of patient care and resident training often requires the use of effective technology solutions that support both—such as a cutting-edge mammography reporting system to optimize breast imaging needs. To meet these needs, many academic hospitals choose MagView. The following […]
Five Ways Breast Imaging Centers Can Increase Their Patient Return Rate

A common challenge for breast imaging centers is finding an effective strategy to get patients to return for their annual mammograms and follow-up appointments. Of course, the primary concern is about optimizing patient health—especially for those with high BI-RADS scores who may require biopsy and/or need short-term follow up. But another priority is to ensure […]
MagView Tablet and TechPad Transform the Workflow at CoxHealth Breast Care Clinic

In 2017, CoxHealth was looking for a Mammography Information System solution that could keep up with the increasing volume of their breast imaging centers. Their former Mammography Information System vendor was not able to streamline their workflow to keep pace with their continued growth. They turned to MagView to provide a complete solution that empowered […]
The New Normal: Collecting Patient History Online

As breast imaging centers start to resume screening procedures in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, team leaders are looking for ways to keep their patients safe and reduce potential exposure. How can services like screening mammography reduce the patient’s time in the waiting room while not cutting back on necessary paperwork and data collection? […]
Mosaic Implements MagView to Streamline Workflow

ST. JOSEPH, MO — Mosaic Life Care – Breast Care recently made the decision to replace their existing Mammography Information System (MIS) with MagView. Implementation is underway to bring a suite of mammography workflow solutions to the medical center in St. Joseph. When asked what influenced their decision to purchase MagView, Jennifer Davis, Lead Mammography […]