MagView’s TechPad: Improving Patient Care & Mammography Technologist Workflow

Magview tech pad

Are your breast center’s technologists tethered to desktop computers? Are they wasting valuable time standing in line outside the radiologist’s door? Do they know the current status of each patient within your center’s workflow? MagView’s TechPad™ helps to address all these needs and more. What is the typical mammography workflow? From the time a patient […]

What to Ask Vendors When Evaluating Mammography Reporting Systems

Choosing the right Mammography Information System (MIS) for your center is a crucial decision. The system you select will require a long-term investment and have a major impact on daily activities affecting both patients and staff. In that light, it’s important to conduct proper research and make sure you find the MIS that fits your […]

Would Your Breast Center Benefit From a Mammography Information System? 

A Mammography Information System (MIS), which can also be referred to as a Mammography Reporting System, is a dedicated sub-specialty software solution that allows breast imaging centers to track and manage all patient data from one central platform.  An MIS offers far greater efficiencies than standard EHR-based mammography tracking modules. If a facility doesn’t have […]

Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Breast Density Notification Letters Alone. Women Need Discussions with Their Healthcare Providers, Too.

State-level breast density notification (BDN) laws arose from a grass-roots effort started by Nancy M. Cappello, Ph.D., after her stage 3C breast cancer diagnosis in 2004, which followed a “normal” mammogram she’d had just six weeks prior.  Questioning why her recent mammogram didn’t detect her advanced cancer, Dr. Capello learned for the first time that […]

5 Tips to Increase the Adoption Rate of Your Patient Portal

woman checking results on patient portal

Patient portals offer many benefits, like providing patients with the ability to connect directly with their healthcare providers and potentially increasing patient engagement.  However, it can be challenging for providers to convince patients to register for the portals available to them. And even if they do so, patients may not make the most of all […]

Text Messaging in Healthcare and Why it Makes Perfect Sense for Breast Centers

Text message for breast cancer screening appt.

According to the Patient Pop 3rd annual patient perspective survey, digital interactions continue to grow in popularity among patients—and that includes text messaging. Also referred to as short message service (SMS), this method of communicating quickly and easily is used extensively by other consumer-facing industries, so it’s something patients are accustomed to and may even […]

5 Benefits of Integrating AI Breast Imaging Tools with MagView 

radiology AI tools

Research has proven the value of AI-enhanced breast imaging across modalities and applications to enhance breast cancer screening, treatment, and the overall effectiveness of patient-centered care. Modalities in which artificial intelligence (AI) can be used for breast imaging include mammography, ultrasound, and MRI. As noted in “Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging of the Breast,” the […]

6 Common Workflow Challenges for Breast Imagers and How to Solve Them

Although Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) have evolved a great deal since their early days, they don’t always support the workflows needed to help reading radiologists make the most of their time and expertise. In a study published in the Journal of Digital Imaging in 2018, the authors uncovered a number of challenges related […]

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