The Top 3 MagView Products: Enhancing Breast Imaging Centers

Magview tech pad

Breast imaging centers are becoming increasingly tech-savvy, focusing on personalized care as high-risk screening has become the standard of care. To meet these evolving needs, MagView offers several enhancement products designed to improve workflow, patient experience, and data accuracy.

Long-time MagView customers have integrated these products into their workflows over time, and new MagView installations frequently include these products. These top-selling products for 2023 and 2024 are essential for modern breast imaging centers.

In this post, we will highlight three of MagView’s top-selling enhancement products: TechPad, Patient History Tablet, and the Risk Assessment Module. We will discuss the issues each product addresses and their respective benefits and features.

1. TechPad: Streamlining Workflow and Communication

Addressing Workflow Inefficiencies

Breast imaging centers often face workflow inefficiencies due to technologists being tethered to stationary computers and the need for constant communication with radiologists. This can lead to delays in patient care and increased wait times.

Key Benefits and Features

MagView’s TechPad places crucial patient information at technologists’ fingertips, allowing them to perform patient verification tasks on a portable tablet. This eliminates the need for repeated trips to a stationary computer, thereby optimizing workflows and improving efficiency.

  • Mobility for Technologists: Enables technologists to focus better on patient needs by providing mobility.
  • Real-Time Communication: Supports real-time chat between technologists and radiologists, reducing delays and improving staff and patient satisfaction.
  • Workflow Optimization: The TechPad Status List provides real-time updates, helping to eliminate wait times between patient flow steps.
  • Enhanced Patient Experience: By reducing exam time, the TechPad enhances the overall patient experience.

2. Patient History Tablet: Enhancing Patient Engagement and Data Accuracy

Addressing Traditional Paper Form Issues

Traditional paper history forms are cumbersome and often lead to manual data entry errors. Additionally, they do not provide an engaging patient experience.

Key Benefits and Features

MagView’s Patient History Tablet module eliminates the need for paper forms, allowing patients to answer or review breast history questions electronically. This modern approach not only streamlines workflow but also enhances patient engagement.

  • Improved Patient Experience: A user-friendly layout allows patients to move through questionnaires without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Real-Time Data Access: Clinicians have immediate access to critical information within the patient’s record.
  • Supports Paperless Workflow: Reduces the need for manual data entry and helps cut down costs.
  • Customization: The questionnaire can be translated into multiple languages and personalized with the company’s logo and color scheme.
    Efficiency for Returning Patients: Returning patients can review and confirm the accuracy of previously entered information, speeding up the process.

3. MagView Luminary Risk: Identifying High-Risk Patients Efficiently

Why Run Risk Scores?

Breast centers aim to provide personalized care by offering high-risk screening which includes running risk scores on their patients. This process ensures that women at higher risk or with dense breasts receive the supplemental screening they may need. By identifying these patients early, breast centers can offer tailored screening plans, which can lead to better outcomes.

Addressing the Limitations of Online Risk Assessment Calculators

Many breast imaging centers rely on online breast cancer risk calculators to run risk scores on their patients. However, this approach often leads to redundant data entry, workflow gaps, inefficiencies, and a lack of built-in communication and follow-up. Integrating a properly licensed risk assessment module with your existing MagView system solves these issues. Breast imaging facilities can unlock greater efficiencies with a fully integrated risk assessment solution, streamlining the high-risk screening workflow and saving valuable staff time.

Key Benefits and Features

MagView’s Luminary Risk supports more risk models than any other vendor, automating risk calculations and integrating seamlessly with existing workflows.

  • Comprehensive Risk Models: Supports multiple risk models, including Tyrer-Cuzick, BRCAPro, Gail, Claus, and more.
  • Automated Risk Calculations: Automates the calculation of patient risk scores, which are visible to radiologists and included in reports to referring physicians.
  • Integration with Breast Density Assessment: Automatically incorporates breast density scores into models that require it.
  • Efficient Identification of High-Risk Patients: Provides tools to identify high-risk patients and optimize screening programs.
  • Customizable Reports: Allows customization of reports and automated communication to referring physicians and patients.


MagView’s enhancement products—TechPad, Patient History Tablet, and Luminary Risk—address critical issues in breast imaging centers by improving workflow efficiency, enhancing patient engagement, and optimizing the identification of high-risk patients. As technology continues to evolve, these products ensure that breast imaging centers remain at the forefront of personalized care and high-risk screening.

For more information on these products and how they can benefit your practice, visit MagView.

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