MagView, The Leader in Mammography Tracking Software, has a new website!

magview launches new website

In November of last year, MagView shared some exciting news about our new look with a branding refresh. Now, we have even more great news to share: MagView has a new website!

Over the last 30 years, MagView has become the leading provider of solutions for breast center information management, including options for radiology reporting, results communication, risk assessment, and more. MagView has always been ahead of the curve, and our breast screening workflow solutions are a reflection of working with some of the nation’s leading breast imagers. 

At MagView, we are driven by our understanding of mammography. To advance our knowledge of this subject, we have invested our time in the industry on research and development exclusively focused on breast imaging. 

As a result, we have many valuable resources to offer—which is why we’re so excited about the benefits our new site provides. The following provides a glimpse of what you’ll find there. 

The MagView Blog

The Magview blog offers the latest in breast imaging news, workflow tips, and more—which you can have delivered directly to your inbox with a free subscription. Here are samples of some of our recent posts to give you an idea of the valuable information that’s available:

Breast Center Customer Stories

See how other customers are using MagView by accessing the MagView Blog and then clicking on the Customer Stories tab. Here are a few samples:

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MagView Tools

The new website also includes several key resources MagView has created to support breast centers as they identify and care for high-risk patients. Additionally, we provide a downloadable decision tool to help breast centers determine what type of software solution may best meet their needs. 

High-Risk Breast Cancer Screening and Care

Running a high-risk program isn’t just about calculating a score. It’s about managing a patient’s care pathway. It’s about communicating with the patient and their doctor. It’s about making the process as efficient as possible in YOUR unique workflow. MagView has the tools to simplify and manage the entire process, allowing you to focus on personalized patient care.

With MagView’s Risk Assessment Module, you can efficiently identify high-risk patients:

  • No need to log into another system or website. 
  • MagView automatically calculates the risk assessment score and flags high-risk patients in a single system.
  • The score is integrated into your radiologist’s reporting platform with no interruption to their workflow.

For those who don’t have MagView’s Risk Assessment Module, we provide an online Tyrer-Cuzick Risk Assessment Calculator to help you identify high-risk patients. 

We also offer a free informational ebook that provides the basics of high-risk breast screening and how to successfully run a high-risk program. In High-Risk Breast Screening: A guide to building a successful High-Risk Screening Program, you can learn how to:

  • Choose a risk model
  • Define your program goals
  • Implement a streamlined workflow
  • Increase breast MRI volume
  • Define high-risk follow-up recommendations
  • Notify the patient and their doctor

The guide also includes tips on Tyrer-Cuzick v8 and how to integrate breast density assessment software.

MagView vs RIS-Based Mammography Modules

If you’re using a mammography module within your RIS or EMR, you may be wondering if there’s something more robust out there. MagView is the answer you’ve been looking for. Our dedicated mammography reporting system helps automate and streamline the mammography workflow so breast imaging centers can focus on clinical care.

Our downloadable graphic demonstrates the difference. In “MagView vs. RIS Mammography Modules,” we provide a side-by-side comparison regarding the benefits of MagView over most other mammo-modules.

Stay Informed on the Latest in Breast Screening Reporting

We’re excited to share our new website with you and will continue to add to the body of valuable content offered there. To ensure you remain updated on the latest breast imaging news, workflow tips, and more—please take a quick minute to subscribe to the MagView blog.

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